Friday, May 9, 2008

Not Much at the end of the Day!

This day started out with much squeezing of time & pressures. Brief preparation with Mass readings and attending Mass after my volunteer situation. Meeting new faces & people in the volunteer situation has made this a rewarding day. It has been a day of changes and waiting too, and patient efforts . Family from out of town to arrive, then decided to stay with a sibling before coming for Mother's Day. More to arrive in the Am. I got a bike today, I can't ride it yet because it needs another pedal, nice shiny red bike. I obtained it from the Police Dept. it was stolen & has not been claimed. So after some weeks they are given away, if asked for. How great a gift, I haven't ridden a bike in over 2oyrs. Why now you ask?, AGE & some Overwt. issues. Also, I also have signed up for laptop wireless services.
I believe I will put it and the bike to good use, thanks be to God. It feels as though I am in an Upper Room experience--waiting for the Holy Spirit, the greatest gift from the Father and the Son. I shall wait with the Apostles and Our Lady for the rush of the Spirit's power. Come Holy Spirit, come. And waiting for the bike to be repaired.
I had hoped to share more on Blessed Elena. Now you will have to experience waiting too.

Lord send your consoling Spirit into your Church.

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