Monday, May 12, 2008

"Franciscan In America"

Mother Teresa O'Neil , Third Order of St. Francis. 1843-1926
Mary Anne O'Neil was born January1, 1843 in New York City and grew up in Fort Lee, New Jersey. There Father Pamfilo da Magliano,OSF a missionary from Italy, visited in 1859 under the direction of the 1st Bishop of Buffalo, John Timon CM. He invited her to join a newly-established community of Franciscan Sisters in Allegany, New York. She was invested in the habit on December 8, 1859 at 16 yrs. old. The new congregation was established on April 25, 1859 by Father Pamfilo, this was the first congregation of religious women founded in the Diocese of Buffalo.
The Civil War made life difficult in the academy in which she lived. The generosity of the townspeople and the farmers enabled the sisters to keep the convent and St. Elizabeth's Academy going. She became certified as a public school teacher. In 1864 she was appointed superior of the community; she held the position for 55 yrs.(2 by appointiment and 53 by election). The Allegany sisters expanded their apostolate to education and health care, while Mother Teresa was the General Superior.
She was concerned that the sisters show the fraternal charity so prized by St. Francis. She weathered many trials trusting in God and his Mother to help her solve her problems.
Her funeral on May 17,1926 was held at St. Bonaventure Church, then on the campus of St. Bonaventure College. Stores and businesses in Allehany closed, out of respect for her. In this civic and religious funeral, all walked in the procession stretching from the church to the Chapel in St. Bonaventure Cemetery. The Sisters of the Allegany remain strong due to the missionary zeal of Bishop Timon, Father Pamfilo and Mother Teresa O'Neil.

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