Friday, December 26, 2008

St. Stephen Martyr

It has been awhile since I last blogged, and many national international events have occurred. I want to share Jesus' words to his disciples that are appropriate to our times.
Matthew 10:17-20 "Beware of people" who will persecute and you and haul you into court. But he moves quickly to God's work in all this: You will be led before governors..for my sake as a witness.""Do not worry,"he counsels,"about how to speak or what you are to say...For it will not be you who speak but the Spirit of your Father speaking through you."

Acts 6:10 "but they could not withstand his wisdom and conviction."

And as a result of his zeal and plain speaking, Stephen was put to death. He too followed Jesus' command not to worry but let the Spirit give him the right words to speak.
We too should listen for the Spirit and do our best to speak as we think he is leading us.
As Stephen and Paul, we know that our lives are in God's hands and that he will never abandon us.

"Holy Spirit, help me discern and welcome the opportunities you give me today to proclaim Jesus, both in the way I live and the words as you inspire."

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