Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Friend's Ideas about Blogging

I have had a few discussions recently about blogging, a blog site vs. a website, and how to maintain it.
Should I do this? Why do I want to do this? I'm a little scared to do this! What have I got to say? When I think about it-- Lots! With much to share about life, Franciscan spirituality, living and travels. Well, here goes guys, with your encouragment. Salute!!


johnnycatholic said...

Hi, I love your template choice!
The colors are great! If you want to add a counter or flash let me know!
God Give You Peace!
John Dennis

johnnycatholic said...

I can also get your blog to show up on google searches all you have to do is edit html and add the google meta tag!
God Give You Peace!
John Dennis