Saturday, May 31, 2008

The Feast of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

"Particles" taken from New This event is spoken about in Luke 1:39-57, when Mary inspired by charity to go to Hebron, south of Jerusalem, to care for her cousin Elizabeth, because her presence and much more at the presence of the Divine Child in her womb, according to the will of God, was to be the source of very great graces to the Blessed John, Christ's Forerunner.
Feeling the presence of his Divine Savior upon the arrival of Mary, John leaped in the womb of his mother, he was therefore cleansed of original sin and filled the grace of the Holy Spirit.
Our Lady now for the first exercised the office which belonged to the Mother of God made man, that He might by her mediation sanctify and glorify us.
St. Joseph may have travelled with Mary to Hebron, returned to Nazareth, and after three months, came again to Hebron to take his wife home, it may have happened that the apparition of the angel, mentioned in Matthew 1:19-25, may have taken place to end the tormenting doubts of Joseph regarding the maternity of Mary.

The earliest evidence of the feast is its adoption by the Franciscan Chapter in 1263, upon the advice of St. Bonaventure. With the Franciscan Breviary, the feast spread to many churches, but was celebrated at various dates.
It was extended to the entire Church by Pope Urban VI, 6 April, 1389, with the hope that Christ and His Mother would visit the Church and put an end to the Great Schism which rent the seamless garment of Christ.

Morning Prayer
Ant. 1 Blessed are you, Mary, because you believed that the Lord's words to you would be fulfilled.

Evening Prayer
Ant. 2 Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb.

Our Diocese of Steubenville in under the Patronage of the Immaculate Heart of Mary and today is our feast day, please pray for us, pray for unity.
Mary, full of grace, intercede for us.......

Friday, May 30, 2008

Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

Extracted from Devotionals
There are two things that must always be found together in the devotion to the Sacred Heart: Christ's Heart of flesh and Christ's love for us. True devotion to the Sacred Heart means devotion to the Divine Heart of Christ insofar as His Heart represents and recalls His Love for us.
The Church approved the devotion on its own merits. There is only one Person in Jesus, and that Person was at the same time God and Man. His Heart, too, is Divine--it is the Heart of God.
This love of Christ for us was the moving force of all he did and suffered for us--in Nazareth, on the Cross, in giving Himself in the Blessed Sacrament, in His teaching and healing, in His praying and working. When we speak of the Sacred Heart, we mean Jesus showing us His heart, Jesus all love for us and all lovable.

Evening Prayer 1
Ant. 1 God has loved us with an everlasting love; therefore, when he was lifted up from the earth, in his mercy he drew us to his heart.

Morning Prayer
Ant. 1 Jesus stood and cried out: if anyone thirsts, let him come to me and drink.

Ant. 2 Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest.

Ant.3 My son, give me your heart; and note carefully the way I point out to you.

Father, we rejoice in the gifts of love
we have received from the heart of Jesus your Son,
Open our hearts to share his life and continue to bless us with his love.

On a personal note, I was burdened in my heart this week in a relationship, and took it to prayer this past Wed. at a Healing Mass, and was prayed with by one of the priests attending. It has been lifted thanks be to God on this day the Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Thank you, Sacred Heart of Jesus. Thank you, as I continue to trust in your great love for me and all mankind. Lord, thank you for healing my heart which was laden for a few weeks and on Wednesday past, only to healed this Friday.

Thank you for the reconcilation that has taken place, thank you for your personal, deep love for me. I am grateful for the homilist today and the sharings he had to offer on the 'fleshly' heart of Jesus as a physical person, and the 'spiritual' heart of God, who loves with a deep, abiding Love.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

" The Apostle of England"- St. Augustine of Canterbury

Not much is known of St. Augustine before 596,his origins are obscure. In the year 596, from Rome a party of 40 Benedictine monks set out to evangelize the Anglo-Saxons in England. They were sent by Pope Gregory the Greaat. They crossed the English Channel and landed in the territory of Kent.This area was ruled by King Ethelbert, a pagan married to a Christian. He received them kindly, set up a residence for them in Canterbury and within one year, on Pentecost Sunday, of 576 was himslelf baptized. Augustine was consecrated a Bishop in France, and returned to Canterbury, where he founded his see. He constructed a church and a monastery near where the present cathedral, begun in 1070, now stands.

As the faith spread, additional sees were founded in London and Rochester.
Laboring patiently, Augustine heeded the wise missionary principles--suggested by the Pope: purify rather than destroy pagan temples and customs, let pagan rites and festivals be taken over into Christian feasts; retain local customs as far as possible. The limited success Augustine achieved in England before his death in 605, a short eight years after he arrived in England, would eventually bear fruit long after in the conversion of England. Truly Augustine of Canterbury can be called the "Apostle of England."

This blogger has been to Canterbury, England on an Easter pilgrimage in May 1974,and returned to visit relatives in May of 2007, visiting London, Greenwich, Cambridge,Chelmsford, Colchester, Brentwood, and other family villages in Essex County, Norfolk County and the shrine of Our Lady of Walsingham. I did not go to Walsingham in 1974, but have since sensed a call to return to England and visit the Shrine at Walsingham. Much suffering occurred in the Roman Church in the 16th and 17th centuries, with many English Martyrs, of whom were canonized by the late Pope Leo and Pope John Paul II.

Pray for the conversion of England, and the intercession of the English Martyrs!

Monday, May 26, 2008

Memorial Day - a day to remember those who died for Freedom

This day was originally called 'Decoration day', a day of remembrance for those who died in our nation's service. There is evidence of women's groups in the South decorating graves before the end of the Civil War.
Memorial day was proclaimed on 5 May 1868 by General John Logan, National Command of the Grand Army of the Republic in his General Order No. 11, "...gather around their sacred remains and garland the passionless mound above them with the choicest flowers of springtime..let us in this solemn presence renew our pledges to aid and assist those whom they have left among us as sacred charges upon the Nation's gratitude, ..the soldiers and sailors' widow and orphan.
It was first observed on 30 May 1868, when flowers were placed on the graves of the Union and Confederate soldiers at Arlington National Cemetery. Government at one time declared the holiday on the last Monday of May. But since 1999 a bill was introduced to restore the day back to the date of May 30th, and has not been acted upon.
For other interesting information about the US Memorial Day, one can visit

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Feast of the Dedication of the Basicila of St. Francis of Assisi

St. Francis of Assisi died in 1226 and a short 2 years later in 1228, he was canonized. His body rested in the Church of St. George which is now part of the Basilica of St. Clare, which was built after the Basilica of St. Francis.
The Basilica is two churches, the original built in the Romanesque, the Lower Church. The upper church is Gothic and built with large stained windows, with the frescoes of Giotto painted on the walls. The scenes of course are the Life of St. Francis of Assisi.

Pope Gregory 9th laid the cornerstone of the church in honor of St. Francis the day after the saint's canonization in Assisi in 1228 at the Church of St. George. Pope Innocent IV solemnly consecrated the Church on May 25, 1253. The remains of St. Francis were taken in solemn procession from the chapel of St. George to the Basilica on May 25, 1230.
This property was once the 'garbage dump' of Assisi, outside the walls of Assisi. It is a Patriarchal Basilica raised to its dignity by Pope Benedict 14th. It is a Papal Chapel and as special as the Vatican grounds with Papal protection.
Outside on the lawn is a 'Tau' cross in red/purple bushes and also Pax. which is Latin for peace, symbolic of St. Francis' way of life of Peace. His remains are at rest in the lower crypt of the Lower Church, and a walking transition can be made easily between the two churches.
As the Basilica of St. John Latern in Rome is the 'Mother church of all Christian Churches, so the Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi is designated the 'Mother church of all the Churches of the Order of Friars Minor. There too, is the large monastery of the Friars attached to the Basilica, with an inner courtyard/cloister.
This penitnent/blogger had the privilege of being in Assisi for 5 days to visit this Basilica, and the other many Franciscan churches in Assisi and the Basilica of St. Mary of the Angels with the Portiuncula inside
Quote from the Constitution of Pope Benedict 14th on the Basilica: " following the example of so many of our predessors we, too, have been willingly led to add to the splendor and honor of this Church. This is the chief reason that motivated us: We concluded that the more the Apostolic See honored the memory of St. Francis, the more could the Roman Church hope for the greater protection through his intercession. Therefore, by means of this our constitution, valid in perpetuity, we raise the aforesaid church to the dignity of a Patriarchal Basilica and Papel Chapel."

Office of Readings Responsory
God sanctified his dwelling---and glorified his servant Francis.

May our loving Seraphic Father, St. Francis of Assisi, pray for us.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

"the Apostle of Italy"

St. Bernadine of Siena, earned this title Apostle of Italy as he was a great Franciscan preacher, missionary, and a reformer of the Friars Minor during his time.
He was born of a noble family of Siena, his father was the governor. But Bernadine was orphaned at the age of 6yrs; he was brought up by his pious aunts. He held the name of Jesus as being 'sacred'. When he was young his fellow playmates saw Bernadine advancing they would watch their language in the presence of Bernadine.
He developed a great devotion to the Blessed Mother and when he entered the Franciscans, a monastery named after the Blessed Mother. he received his habit on the feast of the Nativity of Mary, Sept. 8 of 1402. In one year on the same date in September, he professed into the Order 1403.
He was ordained on September 8, 1404. He travelled about Italy, preaching the name of Jesus, until he died. He is one of Italy's favorite Saints.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Saints, Sunshine and Cycling

Gee! it has been 5 days since i last published, much has transpired. I attended to two events with my volunteer situation. Both were fruitful. I have been cycling since obtaining 'my red bike', and getting out when the days have been sunny. There were a couple of days of cool weather, cloudy and raining. Good for the flowers, but not for my need to just ride and have some solitude flying up hills and down dales. I love the wind blowing against me, i imagine the Holy Spirit blowing off the crud of negativity in some life experiences that we are currently facing.
I watch the advancement of the flowering bushes, and the receding of the spring flowers who take their turns appearing for their short time given to them to bring all Creation to full blossom, and honoring our great Creator!
Pentecost has come gone, then Holy Trinity Sunday. The Liturgical season is just flooding my heart with grace and images. Many great homilists dishing up thoughts to ponder, and assist in advancing in our spiritual walk.
Had the privilege of giving a short talk on the great Penitent of the Third Order of St. Francis.
St. Margaret Cortona holds the name of 'the Magdela of the Seraphic Order'. One can surely rely on her for intercession for spiritual healing, and imitate her great contrition of personal sin.

Words of Our Lord to St. Margaret of Cortona

"Thou art the third light in the Order of my beloved, Francis. He was the first among the Friars Minor, Clare was the second light among the nuns; thou shalt be the third, in the Order of Penance.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Feast of St. Matthias - Apostle. Chosen by the Eleven

He had been a witness to the Lord's Resurrection, St. Matthias was chosen by the other Apostles to take the place of Judas, who denied Christ. Acts 1:15-26 tells of how he was numbered among the Twelve.
Canticle of Zechariah
Antiphon We must choose someone who was with us all the time that the Lord Jesus lived among us; he will take his place with us in giving witness to the Lord's Resurrection.

Father you called St. Matthias to share in the mission of the Apostles, By the help of his prayers may we receive with joy the love you share with us and be counted among those you have chosen.

St. Matthias, pray for us!

Monday, May 12, 2008

"Franciscan In America"

Mother Teresa O'Neil , Third Order of St. Francis. 1843-1926
Mary Anne O'Neil was born January1, 1843 in New York City and grew up in Fort Lee, New Jersey. There Father Pamfilo da Magliano,OSF a missionary from Italy, visited in 1859 under the direction of the 1st Bishop of Buffalo, John Timon CM. He invited her to join a newly-established community of Franciscan Sisters in Allegany, New York. She was invested in the habit on December 8, 1859 at 16 yrs. old. The new congregation was established on April 25, 1859 by Father Pamfilo, this was the first congregation of religious women founded in the Diocese of Buffalo.
The Civil War made life difficult in the academy in which she lived. The generosity of the townspeople and the farmers enabled the sisters to keep the convent and St. Elizabeth's Academy going. She became certified as a public school teacher. In 1864 she was appointed superior of the community; she held the position for 55 yrs.(2 by appointiment and 53 by election). The Allegany sisters expanded their apostolate to education and health care, while Mother Teresa was the General Superior.
She was concerned that the sisters show the fraternal charity so prized by St. Francis. She weathered many trials trusting in God and his Mother to help her solve her problems.
Her funeral on May 17,1926 was held at St. Bonaventure Church, then on the campus of St. Bonaventure College. Stores and businesses in Allehany closed, out of respect for her. In this civic and religious funeral, all walked in the procession stretching from the church to the Chapel in St. Bonaventure Cemetery. The Sisters of the Allegany remain strong due to the missionary zeal of Bishop Timon, Father Pamfilo and Mother Teresa O'Neil.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Solemnity of Pentecost!!

Holy Spirit Tension Prayer
Come, Holy Spirit
replace the tension within me
with Your holy relaxation.
replace the turbulence within me
with Your sacred calm.
replace the anxiety within me
with Your quiet confidence.
replace the fear within me
with Your strong faith.
replace the bitterness within me
with Your sweet grace.
replace the darkness within me
with Your gentle light.
replace the coldness within me
with Your loving warmth.
replace the night within me
with Your Light.
replace the winter within me
with Your Spring.

Straighten my crookedness.
Fill my emptiness.
Dull the edge of my pride.
Sharpen the edge of my humility.
Light the fires of my love.
Quench the flames of my lust.
Let me see myself as You see me
That I may see You
as You have promised, for
"Blessed are the pure of heart,
for they shall see God," Mt. 5:8. "

Lord send your consoling Spirit into Your Church.

Friday, May 9, 2008

Not Much at the end of the Day!

This day started out with much squeezing of time & pressures. Brief preparation with Mass readings and attending Mass after my volunteer situation. Meeting new faces & people in the volunteer situation has made this a rewarding day. It has been a day of changes and waiting too, and patient efforts . Family from out of town to arrive, then decided to stay with a sibling before coming for Mother's Day. More to arrive in the Am. I got a bike today, I can't ride it yet because it needs another pedal, nice shiny red bike. I obtained it from the Police Dept. it was stolen & has not been claimed. So after some weeks they are given away, if asked for. How great a gift, I haven't ridden a bike in over 2oyrs. Why now you ask?, AGE & some Overwt. issues. Also, I also have signed up for laptop wireless services.
I believe I will put it and the bike to good use, thanks be to God. It feels as though I am in an Upper Room experience--waiting for the Holy Spirit, the greatest gift from the Father and the Son. I shall wait with the Apostles and Our Lady for the rush of the Spirit's power. Come Holy Spirit, come. And waiting for the bike to be repaired.
I had hoped to share more on Blessed Elena. Now you will have to experience waiting too.

Lord send your consoling Spirit into your Church.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

More on Blessed Elena Guerra

Blessed Elena Guerra, foundress of the Oblate Sisters of the Holy Spirit in Lucca, Italy at the end of the nineteenth century. She urged Pope Leo XIII to lead the Church back to the Cenacle/Upper Room. From 1895-1903, she wrote as led by the Holy Spirit to write 12 confidental letters requesting a renewed preaching on the Holy Spirit.
She exhorted the Pontiff to invite the faithful to rediscover life lived according to the Holy Spirit. She called and prayed for a renewal in the Church, the reunion of Christianity, a renewed society, and thereby "a renewal of the face of the earth". In her heart throbbed the idea of a permanent Pentecost: she said,
"Pentecost is not over. In fact it is continually going on in every time and in every place, because the Holy Spirit desired to give himself to all men and all who want him can always receive him, so we do not have to envy the apostles and the first believers; we only have to dispose ourselves like them to receive him well, and He will come to us as he did to them.
On the promptings of Sr. Elena, Pope XIII issued several documents concerning the Holy Spirit, 1895 Provida Matris Caritate, apostolic letter which asked for all the faithful to celebrate a solemn novena ( 9 days of prayer ) to the Holy Spirit between the feasts of Ascencion and Pentecost for the intention of the reunion of Christianity. At this time, the Pope requested that the novena was to be a perpetual novena, done every year between the two feasts mentioned.
Another important event, at the request of Sr. Elena, the Pope invoked the Holy Spirit on January 1, 1901 with the singing of the Veni Creator Spiritus, in the name of the whole Church.
On the that very day, in Topeka, Kansas, USA, at the Bethel College and Bible School, an outpouring of the Holy Spirit occurred, which has been generally accepted as the beginning of Pentecostalism in this era as it did at Pentecost with the Apostles. Then in 1906 a revival on Azusa Street, I believe in Los Angelis, California broke out and with this within 2 years it was across all continents.
Slowly it came to the Catholic Church in 1967, when the Catholic Charismatic Renewal began just 2 years after the end of Vatican II and 70 yrs. after Pope XIII 's encyclical letter on the Holy Spirit. .. to be continued.....

Lord send your consoling Spirit into your Church!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Come Holy Ghost, Creator Blessed

The scripture readings today are about unity. May the great gift of the Holy Spirit be active in our hearts and the whole Church. Come Holy Spirit, come bring Unity.
I want to share about the turn of the Century-1908-1914 to be exact and how the Holy Spirit worked in two souls at that time. The first will be familiar, Pope Leo the 13th ( for lack of finding the roman numerals on this key board) and the other less familiar to many is Blessed Elena Guerra. I had hoped to visit Lucca, Italy on my trip to Rome and Assisi a few yrs. back as was learning about her at that time,where Blessed Elena lived. She was the powerhouse at that time and I am most assured a great intercessor for our age. Now I want to give website address and hope that it works for those interested, because this is vital. If not one can do a 'search' on google as i did. She had amazing spiritual insights and courage.
Happy reading!! Now please don't go 'bananas' at this site, and say "oh no, not one of those." Take it seriously, God started the whole thing on Pentecost and it survives today, it is the life of the Church. It is not a man-made movement and not one to soon die out- despite the 'nayers' inside and outside the Church. Have a blessed Pentecost and praying these last days before the great feast this Sunday--Pentecost. Accept the Holy Spirit more fully into your life.
That's my blog for today, I didn't know that all this would come forth at the end of the day.

Lord send your consoling Spirit into your Church.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Franciscans in America

Firstly, I want to reflect upon the Scriptures from today's Mass before talking about a Franciscan woman who came to America.
These are proclamations of Jesus and St. Paul in 'farewell' speeches. Jesus is talking about returning to the Father, this phrase caught me; "I glorified you on earth by completing the work you gave me to do." "Now glorify me, Father with you, with the glory I had before the world began."
Then St. Paul "and now behold, I am going to Jerusalem, compelled by the Spirit, not knowing what shall befall me there; except that the Spirit testifies to me in every city that imprisonment and trials await."...and further on he says "if only I may accomplish my course and the ministry which I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the gospel of the grace of God." This is where I follow intoline with Jesus and St. Paul, and want to exemplify Mother Ignatius Hayes, Third Order.
She was the 8th child of an Anglican clergyman in England. She joined the Church of Rome after being influenced by the Oxford Movement there. Under directions of Dr. Manning, later the Archbishop of Westminster, she entered a community dedicated to the care of the poor. Later, she became a sister in the Third Order of St. Francis of Assisi. She obtained permission to come to America, as she had desires of founding a congregation of her own.
Under a bishop in Minnesota, she worked with the children of the poor Canadian settlers.
In 1872, she began the first Franciscan convent in Minnesota. Other convents began to grow in other states. In 1880 she visited Rome, now Mother Ignatius, and at the suggestion of Pope Leo X111, a community of sisters was formed. A year later she moved the motherhouse to Rome from Minnesota. In 1893, she wanted to visit her sisters in America, but became ill in Naples but died in Rome on her return on this day May 6,1894.
Her community would become three groups: Missionary Sisters of the Immaculate Conception in Rome, Minnesota, and Rock Island, Illinois.

As I reflect on the readings and the work entrusted to St. Paul and Jesus, I can see the movement of the Holy Spirit in the life of Mother Ignatius. I can hear her saying something like, "I am on my way to America, I don't know what will befall me". But she accepted the work that God had entrusted to her far away from her native England. May we listen, too, to the Holy Spirit and follow Our Lord in the vocation he has called us to and be brought to the Glory of Heaven; just as Jesus and St. Paul.

O Lord send your consoling Spirit into the Church.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Time between Ascension & Pentecost

During this week in personal prayer time, I want to focus on the Third Person of the Holy Trinity, and prepare my heart for more of the Holy Spirit, more of His power, and invite Him into my life. Asking for the charisms to grown in the life of the Spirit, and be of service to the Church. I am praying for more of the Holy Spirit to come into the Church, for renewal & revival to empower and heal where healing needs to take place, deliverance from personal sin.

Paul said to them, "Did you receive the Holy Spirit when you became believers?"

and when Paul laid his hands on them, the Holy Spirit came upon them, and they spoke in tongues and prophesied. - Acts19:1-8

Ant. The Spirit, the Advocate, will remain with you and live in you, alleluia

Lord, send your consoling Spirit into your Church.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Christ's Ascension

Men of Galilee, why do you stand looking up in the sky?
The Lord will return, just as you have seen him ascend, alleluia!

God mounts his throne to shouts of joy; a blare of trumpets for the Lord.

Well what do we do until he returns,.."go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations and baptize them in the name of the Father, the Son, and of the Holy Spirit."

"I am with you always."

Ant. O Victor King, Lord of power and might, today you have ascended in glory above the heavens. Do not leave us orphans, but send the Father's promised gift, the Spirit of truth, alleluia.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Built on the Foundations of the Apostles

I first want to say something again about words, from a previous blog, maybe the initial one.
Words form prayers and our prayers bring us insight to the Will of God, his desires for us. Words (prayers) for strength, peace, grace to live our Christian calling.
Today the feast of the Apostles, Phillip & James, thank God for these 'two living stones.' Abit exhausted from two days of my Volunteer situation & travelling some distances, I slept past 9AMMass, but recalled my friend was going to her grandson's 1st Holy Communion & Confirmation.
After a quick call, I attended the 1130 AM Mass of our parish. What a blessing today, always learning new things about the Church. One young boy, J-A Tarcisius S. (his new confirmation name) received Our Lord today & was confirmed. As I looked over the program I was reading the names chosen for confirmation, Tarcisius was different & unheard of by this blogger who celebrates his forty-ninth anniversary of receiving Jesus in the gift of the Holy Eucharist as a convert to the Church at about 18yrs. of age( I was flooded with memories, of my 1st Communion of course).
At the reception, I asked about Tarcisius & was informed by J-A that the saint is the Patron of First Communicants, and he chose it from a book of saints as he had died guarding the Blessed Sacrament on his way to be given to local prisoners. For the rest of the story I am including further reading at these websites. O' Blessed reading...He is not in the Roman Calendar but is in the book of Roman Martyrs. and
Hope these addresses work for you if not leave a comment for correction or do a 'search'.
O St. Tarcisius pray for all 1st Holy Communicants during this month & always!!

Friday, May 2, 2008

Saints & early Heresy

Today was like no other as of late. I was driving to myVolunteer situation, early in the 'wee' hours without any chance to attend Mass today. I tried to make the best of the prayer time allotted for this day, I played & prayed the Rosary and the Divine Mercy Chaplet per CD.
Now at this late time of the day I decided to see the friends of God listed for today. Well, we have one of the first great champions of the Faith- St. Athanasius, Bishop & Doctor of the Church. He was born about 295 of Christian parents. Educated under Alexander, later Bishop of his native city.
In 315, Athanasius became a hermit in the desert with the great hermit St. Anthony & remained in the desert about 2 yrs. He became a Deacon and even in this capacity he was called upon to be active against the rising heresy of Arius. Arius an ambitious priest in the Alexandrian Church denied the Divinity of Christ ( sounds like many today). For St. Athanasius this battle was for his lifetime.
At the Council of Nicaea, 325, his influence began to be felt. St. Athanasius became Bishop after the death of Alexander. Many trials & persecutions came to St. Athanasius because of his refusal to tolerate the Arian heresy. He spent 17 years in exile during his 46 yrs. of his Episcopate. He died May 2, 373 after a life of trials, sufferings and gaining a life of virtue.
How we need the intercession of St. Athanasius in this era & champions of the Faith to stand up.
Lord bless me with a portion of this Saint's faith for today and always!

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Welcome May..showers & May Flowers

It is the end of the day, at last 70 degrees & sunny. The homilist today said maybe we can 'put the snow shovel' away, I agree but not the jackets, yet! Today is the Feast of St. Joseph the Worker, and this blogger retired on this day 2yrs. ago-yippee. St. Joseph was not known for any 'words' in Scripture, but known as the Virgin-Father and his spouse Mary the Virgin -Mother. He was obedient to God's Word. He had to be young to travel into Egypt, why do we picture him as an 'old' man? He had to have energy to do the things he had to do.
This month is dedicated to Mary in our Church with expressions of devotion to her, many events of May Crownings . This month is full of youngsters receiving their 1st Holy Communion, Confirmations, High School and College Graduations. Also, Mother's Day- how can we forget this 'vocation' patterned after the model par excellence,the Blessed Virgin Mary.
This a month of 'celebrations', and why not after the winter season, celebrating Spring and the Popes have told us of the 'New Spring-time' in the Church. Yes, let it come Holy Spirit.
In my family we have some Birthdays of special folks to me; my dear wife and my oldest brother.